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    A long standing goal in astrophysics is to directly observe the immediate environment of a black hole with angular resolution comparable to the event horizon.  Such observations could lead to images of strong gravity effects that are expected near a black hole, and to the direct detection of dynamics near the black hole as matter orbits at near light speeds.  This capability would open a new window on the study of general relativity in the strong field regime, accretion and outflow processes at the edge of a black hole, the existence of event horizons, and fundamental...

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    Testing General Relativity


    Testing general relativity

    The no-hair theorem of general relativity predicts that the spacetime around a black hole can be expressed in terms of only three parameters: the black hole mass, spin, and charge. Since it is hard to see how a real astrophysical black hole could sustain a large electric charge, the no-hair theorem predicts that the black hole can be characterized by its mass and spin alone.

    The strong curvature of spacetime near a black hole produces a dark shadow surrounded by a bright photon ring. The shape of this shadow is roughly circular....

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    C. D. Brinkerink, C. Müller, H. Falcke, G. C. Bower, T. P. Krichbaum, E. Castillo, A. T. Deller, S. S. Doeleman, R. Fraga-Encinas, C. Goddi, A. Hernández-Gómez, D. H. Hughes, M. Kramer, J. Léon-Tavares, L. Loinard, A. Montaña, M. Mościbrodzka, G. N. Ortiz-León, D. Sanchez-Arguelles, R. P. J. Tilanus, G. W. Wilson, and J. A. Zensus. 2016. “Asymmetric structure in Sgr A* at 3 mm from closure phase measurements with VLBA, GBT and LMT.” MNRAS, 462, Pp. 1382-1392.
